(C) @BABOLO V.M 1.0 babolo@relcom.net or babolo@kiae.su File .ZXS: ... where partN is: 01 00 mm ll ll ll ll nn .... - special purpose (direct recording), mm bits are EEEEMMMS. Each nn is byte when S=0 and word (2 byte, LSB first) when S=1. Each number is threshold time in units of T*1MMM*2**EEEE when EEEE>0 and T*MMM when EEEE=0. llllllll is length of all part in bytes, LSB is first and MSB is last. 02 00 - unlimited wait (for multiload, for example) 03 00 kk - switch without parameter, kk - printable byte: L - normal speed H - high speed T - turbo X - maximum possible speed for loading for standard loading procedure 04 00 tt tt - pause for tttt millisec (least significant first first) 05 00 kk pp pp - switch with parameter, must differ from above: 0 - length of halfperiod of "0" in 3.5 MHz unit 1 - length of halfperiod of "1" 2 - length of halfperiod of pilot tone A - pause presiding parts in millisec O - pause after parts ll ll cc bb rr ... - real part for loading. llll must be grater then 5. When llll=5 then length of part in Spectrums terms is -1 and when llll=6 then length in Spectrum terms is 0. In cc bit with mask 0x01 is used to determine fase of audio signal, for other bits determined by end of audio signal condition, are used to tune reader parameters to read unreadable tapes. bb bits are: 00BBBEEE, where BBB is number of first bit in rr, 0 is right, 7 is left. Usually BBB is 0, so only 1 bit of cc is used. It is starting wave before info. EEE is number of last bit in last byte, coding is the same as BBB, usually 0, so all last byte is significant. If cc don't mean for part it must be 0 for standard image. Bits of rr must be 0 if not used.